DJ stage lighting Secrets

I’m often asked about the lighting effects I use when I’m deejaying at a wedding. So I thought I’d write a post about it to help everyone with the sometimes daunting task of choosing the best stage lighting for DJs. The answer is in fact very simple. Follow a good guide, I will link to one later in this post for you.

The options these days are very plentiful. From the Dragon X to the Chavet Dj gig bar, so you are really spoilt for choice. Often with a four head bar lighting system, often one rig is all any DJ needs. So with a handy 2 pedal foot control system, you are very much in control of your lighting as a disc jockey. Then with an adjustable tripod and carry case you can take your lights to your next gig without a problem.

The best thing about having a tripod and a bag for your lighting package for DJs is that you are completely mobile. And as all good DJs know, being mobile is the name of the game. Unless of course you’re a resident DJ of a particular club that you go to. Then they may well have their own lighting system and you might not need to bother with buying your own. But we think it’s always better to be prepared and have a lighting setup than to be left out in the lurch without a lighting setup at all. We are sure you agree that when it comes to DJ lighting set ups be prepared for the worst case scenario.

The power of the lights is key

Another thing to consider is the strength of the lighting that you need to shine on your DJ gig. The brighter the better is the way we normally light our gigs. Yes it’s nighttime and the laser lights can get in your eyes, but having too much light is better than not having enough.